Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's OPEN!


Finally, i get myself a blog at blogspot~ I wonder how long did i take to do this...hmm...i wonder...

I did actually have the thoughts to have a blog here long long time ago but recently i'm inspired by Huey & Olly, so i want my blog HERE!!!
I was inspired 12 o'clock in the middle of the night when our sucky connection is down, so I dragged Chai Huey down to ICT to create my blog! Muahaha~
Some memorable moments before me and chai huey head for ICT~
My all time favourite pose!
Omg! What's that?


The connection in ICT sucks as well. It takes forever to upload and post and stuff...i hate this! >,<

So do feel free to drop by cause my blog is officially OPEN! ;)


  1. I'm the first to comment ... Woo hooo~

    Mami, it's good to know finally you have a blog of your own. Please update it frequently and take more photos. Maintaining a blog is not as easy as you thought...

    And please don't try to snatch all my readers away ya!

  2. yokoso! yokoso!
    no champaign bottle breaking ceremony for your new ship?

  3. Aneoyong~
    Actually i was waiting for you to sponsor the champagne for my open ceremony. I dun mind you can sent it over later, then i shall have a belated champagne bottle breaking ceremony!
    whoa whoo~ ;p
